丢失物品/Lost Item


Thank you for picking up my items and visiting this page. I greatly appreciate your act of kindness.


As a token of my appreciation for your kind behavior, I will prepare a thank you gift (money) to express my gratitude.


In order to facilitate the return of your item, please follow the steps below:


Step 1: Contact me


Step 2: Agree on a meeting place or mail

  • 若您选择见面,感谢礼(金)将当场奉上。
  • If you choose to meet, a thank you gift (money) will be given on the spot.
  • 若您选择邮寄,无需您支付邮费,请选择到付,感谢礼(金)将同时邮寄或转账给您。
  • If you choose to send it by post, there is no need for you to pay for the postage, please choose to pay on delivery, and the thank you gift (money) will be mailed or transferred to you at the same time.


Thank you again for your kind gesture. I hope we can complete this item return without any problems. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.


Have a nice life!